Secondary To 中文

Secondary fibre from retree,broke or other pager waste as opposed to virgin fibre from trees.also called recovered fibres, secondary fibres. 用作形容词 (adj.) it's a question of secondary importance. 次要的, 次要的, 後來的, 繼發的;間接的, 教育, 中學的. Of, relating to, or being the current created by a change in the primary current or the circuit of the created current in an induction coil or.

secondary to 中文
Radio waves info..., Microwaves, Infrared waves, Visible

secondary to 中文. Secondary翻译:次要的, 次要的, 後來的, 繼發的;間接的, 教育, 中學的。了解更多。 用作形容词 (adj.) it's a question of secondary importance. Taiwan moe computer dictionary [moecomp] secondary第二的; 次要的, 次要的, 後來的, 繼發的;間接的, 教育, 中學的. Less important than related things: (supplementary reading) sc simplified chinese 辅助读物,补充读物,辅助阅读资料

Developing From Something Similar That Existed Earlier….

Coming from something original or basic. 次要的, 次要的, 後來的, 繼發的;間接的, 教育, 中學的. 用作形容词 (adj.) it's a question of secondary importance.

Secondary 的中文翻譯 {Secondary Circuit},Bun, Secondhand,高中之分(但在課程大綱中則仍分為中一至中三及中四至中五兩個階段)。 到1970年代預科教育開始普及,第二期的。 4.【.

(supplementary reading) sc simplified chinese 辅助读物,补充读物,辅助阅读资料 Secondary翻譯:次要的, 次要的, 後來的, 繼發的;間接的, 教育, 中學的。了解更多。 Of, relating to, or being the current created by a change in the primary current or the circuit of the created current in an induction coil or.

Secondary To Means Not Of Primary Or Main Concern.

Secondary fibre from retree,broke or other pager waste as opposed to virgin fibre from trees.also called recovered fibres, secondary fibres. Less important than related things: Most countries offer part of secondary school as optional schooling in.

Secondary Adjective (Less Important) Less Important Than Related Things.

Secondary翻译:次要的, 次要的, 後來的, 繼發的;間接的, 教育, 中學的。了解更多。 All other considerations are secondary to his safety. Secondary school refers to the schooling offered after a primary school, and before higher, optional education.

Taiwan Moe Computer Dictionary [Moecomp] Secondary第二的;

Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. Something that is secondary in importance does not mean that it is not important, it can still be very important, but something else.

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