陶醉 英文

And if the golden sun,should cease to shine its light,. 她的歌喉令人陶醉 英文翻譯 : her voice is. 而 如此 贴近 观众 和 感觉 他们 立即 作出反应 , 这是 令人 陶醉 。 麥格正陶醉在一個甜蜜的夢里,遠遠超脫於麵包奶油之類的俗事之上。 shelley called the skylark a blithe spirit because of its happy song.

陶醉 英文

陶醉 英文. 令人 英文翻譯 : make one. And eternity in an hour. What a jolly morning it is! And if the golden sun,should cease to shine its light,. Make people drunk with beauty. The guests were also bedazzled by the beautiful costumes and moves of a.

Make People Drunk With Beauty.

And eternity in an hour. Ⅰ形容詞1 (從上到下或從外到里的距離大) deep 2 (深奧) difficult; 醉的, 陶醉 的因(仿佛)喝酒类 饮料 而兴奋或木然的;醉的.

This Typical Local Dish Which Has A Special Strong Taste Intoxicates People.

陶醉是什麼意思,陶醉的解釋,陶醉的反義詞近義詞,陶醉的意思,陶醉的英文翻譯中翻英,陶醉詳細解釋,陶醉相關詞語。 唐 崔曙 《九日登仙臺》詩:“且欲近尋 彭澤 宰,陶然共醉菊花杯。 令人 英文翻譯 : make one. (人名用字) a word used in person's name.

陶醉 英文翻譯 : Be Intoxicated.

What a jolly morning it is! 陶醉是什麼意思,陶醉的解釋,陶醉的反義詞近義詞,陶醉的意思,陶醉的英文翻譯中翻英,陶醉詳細解釋,陶醉相關詞語。 唐 崔曙 《九日登仙臺》詩:“且欲近尋 彭澤 宰,陶然共醉菊花杯. 令人陶醉的美景 a bewitchingly beautiful scene.

And If The Golden Sun,Should Cease To Shine Its Light,.

谁的英文最好? 就女性人体而言,那种美的曲线总能让我 陶醉 ,我想这种 陶醉 是基于一种对美的理解上的。 when i swooned at the beauty of the flowers —and her gesture of giving them to. 而陶醉 英文翻譯 : be intoxicated with/by. 陶醉于已有的成就 become dizzy [intoxicated] with the successes already won.

This Typical Local Dish Which Has A Special Strong Taste Intoxicates People.

Exhilarated or stupefied by or as if by alcohol; Warm season of beautiful and romantic. The sail up the breezy and sparkling river was a charming experience.

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