挖苦 英文

Do not jeer at the mistakes or misfortunes of others. 讥讽, 挖苦英文翻译 over the shoulder. Children dread the derision of their playmates. 还可以用短语“take a dig at”表示,意思是“intentionally insult,.

挖苦 英文
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挖苦 英文. 如果我以前不知道你老是挖苦我,那麼現在我知道了。 he admonished sharply and sarcastically, his eyes radiating the hard and. Speak sarcastically【法】 twit相关词条:1.ironize 2.pic,挖苦中英例句,汉英词典。 英 汉 首页 >> 汉英词典 >> w开头词条 >> 挖苦的英语翻译 挖苦用英语怎. Iron n.1.铁 2.烙铁,熨斗 v.熨,烫 | ironically ad.1.具有讽刺意味地 2.嘲讽地,挖苦地 | irony n.1.反语,冷嘲 2.具有讽刺意味的事,嘲弄. 譏諷, 挖苦 英文翻譯 : over the shoulder. 讥讽, 挖苦 in english : 还可以用短语“take a dig at”表示,意思是“intentionally insult,.

挖苦 英文 Speak Sarcastically Or Ironically.

还可以用短语“take a dig at”表示,意思是“intentionally insult,. 讥讽, 挖苦 in english : 她有時很會挖苦人。 she can be very sarcastic.

Her Sarcasm Wounded His Vanity.;

但有些 irony (讽刺)并不是愉快的,而是 sarcasm (挖苦、嘲弄),常会出现在口说英语中,而且用意在于羞辱、贬损、或嘲笑对方或另外一个人。这绝不是轻松愉悦的情境,因为说话者摆明就. 她不能分辨他是否在挖苦人。 she could not tell if he was being ironic. 挖苦用英语怎么说,挖苦的英语翻译:speak sarcastically or ironically 首页.

挖苦的英文: Dig At Guy Have A Dig At Have A Fling At Make A Dig At Persiflage Sarcasm Satirise Satirize.

“挖苦”,意思是用刻薄的话讥笑、讽刺别人,可以翻译为“speak ironically/sarcastically”。还可以用短语“take a dig at”表示,意思是“intentionally insult, offend,. Speak sarcastically【法】 twit相关词条:1.ironize 2.pic,挖苦中英例句,汉英词典。 英 汉 首页 >> 汉英词典 >> w开头词条 >> 挖苦的英语翻译 挖苦用英语怎. 【挖苦】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:speak sarcastically or ironically挖苦;borak<;澳>;嬉弄; 愚弄; 開玩笑; 挖苦;persiflage打趣; 玩笑; 善意的嘲弄; 揶揄;dig at挖苦,對…做.

Iron N.1.铁 2.烙铁,熨斗 V.熨,烫 | Ironically Ad.1.具有讽刺意味地 2.嘲讽地,挖苦地 | Irony N.1.反语,冷嘲 2.具有讽刺意味的事,嘲弄.

讥讽, 挖苦英文翻译 over the shoulder. They all ridiculed the idea. Do not jeer at the mistakes or misfortunes of others.

Children Dread The Derision Of Their Playmates.

如果我以前不知道你老是挖苦我,那麼現在我知道了。 he admonished sharply and sarcastically, his eyes radiating the hard and. 譏諷, 挖苦 英文翻譯 : over the shoulder. 你不是在幫助人,而是在挖苦人。 you「re not helping people, but.

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